How to Create Reports in The Key - Sesame

The KEY [Sesame member firms only]

This article will give you guidance on:

  • How to pull the report from The Key and upload to Eligible in 3 easy steps.
  • What data Eligible can import into the system.
  • How to update submitted case statuses to complete, so they can be added in if applicable (please include the start dates).

Step 1

Check you have access to reporting

If you see a message that appears “You do not have access to the ad-hoc reports area” this will mean that the user does not have the permissions to use this area.

For Administration: Your firm system administrator can give you access by going to Setup > Users and selecting the relevant adviser. 

Click open and then click the Restrictions tab. Then tick the User can use ad-hoc reports option and any other relevant reports that you see. Click OK to save.

Step 2

Create your report

Under Reports go to Ad-hoc Reporting.

You’ll need to generate one report within: Global Reports > Global General > SES Eligible Mortgage Products:

Step 3

Simply save and Hit Run.

Download the screen grab to zoom in.

This produces an Excel report. Download, save and upload this as "Initial Data".  

Watch the 30 second tutorial below:

Please do this same process for your monthly completions, but mark this as completions.

Read about how to upload here.

Important information about your Key data extract

The Eligible system will only take in cases with a status as Current OR Complete AND New Business =TRUE.

When you extract your report it will be sorted descending by case status. 

Any cases that have a status as "Submitted" will be included in the report at the top, but these will not be added into the system. You can proceed and upload this extract into Eligible, it is up to you if you would like to check if the "Submitted" ( if applicable) deals are active to get them included. 

If you choose to check these you can do this whilst Eligible loads those marked correctly in the Key, so there aren't delays to your launch

Why doesn't Eligible take cases with a Submitted status?

There is a risk that these deals could be clients who do not have current products with you at all or it details a product that did not go ahead. So for compliance purposes, these deals will not enter the system unless you change this in the Key on each case.

How to fix case statuses

To fix case statuses you will need to remark these in The Key as Complete if you would like these added to the Eligible system. Please ensure they also have a start date.

Below is a tutorial on how to change Submitted case statuses to complete in the Key.

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