Invalid Email Addresses

On this page:

  • What is the invalid email addresses list?
  • How can I export the list?
  • How do I update the clients email address?

What is the Invalid Email Addresses list?

Sometimes, Eligible will attempt to reach your client by email and fail. This could be if the email address is incorrect or no longer valid.

We keep a list of these within the system so you can be sure as many of your clients as possible are receiving communications. It's worth keeping an eye on this list as a bounceback could be as simple as a typo but the client will miss out on all alerts due to it.

Where can I find it?

In our default settings, managers and admins can see the invalid email addresses list. If you wish to give access to other users or need bespoke permissions, contact

For people with access, the list lives under the cog icon on the left hand side bar.

How can I export the list?

It may be easier to export the list out of the system to share with your employees who may have the correct details.

If you click 'Export', a CSV copy of this list will be downloaded to your computer.

How do I update the clients email address?

You can tell us about the issue by clicking the “Mark As” button on the client record.

Click  "Yes" underneath "Did you get in touch with the lead":

Click "Change Data":

You’ll see a box pop up where you can tell us the correct email address. This will send an audit to Eligible's support team who will make the change on your behalf.

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