Quick Select

On this page:

  • What is Quick Select?
  • Options for Quick Select

What is Quick Select?

Quick select is a speedy way to update the record to reflect a clients plans to remortgage or change in circumstances to ensure they're receiving the correct communications.

You’ll see the Quick Select option when viewing a clients record. It's in the top right-hand corner under your name – you just need one simple click to change data!

Options for Quick Select

  •        Case started – When clients are in your sales process, this lets us know we should no longer contact them about the relevant mortgage
  •        Meeting booked – If you speak to your client this option allows you to select a time and date for the meeting
  •        Meeting rescheduled – Only appears if you have a meeting already booked, and allows you to reschedule at the touch of a button
  •        Not Interested – Click this and you can add a reason: [Gone Direct, Sold Property, Redeemed/paid off, Used New Broker, Other]

This means less time marking clients on Eligible… and consumers only receiving the most relevant messaging… Win-Win!

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