Client Email Examples

Want to know what types of communications are going to your customers? You've come to the right place.

Below feel free to take a look at some example emails your clients will receive throughout their journey!

Note these emails are subject to change slightly as we optimise for comprehension, compliance and conversion.

Introduction to the consumer application:

This is the first email your client will get when the system sees them for the first time.

90 day portfolio check-in:

These start to send to your customers around every 90 days after their introduction to the system. They will send gradually over a few weeks rather than in bulk.

Base rate alert:

BOE base rate alert emails send when a change occurs. These only go to customers on tracker or variable rate mortgages, as well as clients who are 4 months from expiry and 2 months post expiry with an open mortgage.

Happy Birthday:

These emails go to customers on their Birthday, this information comes directly from your data. *opted in clients only.

Savings alert:

Savings alerts trigger when there is a 10% saving (incl switch costs) identified for a mortgage.

LTV alert:

Property value alerts trigger when there is a 5% decrease in LTV.

Remortgage reminders:

These start sending 6.5 months from the expiry date of a clients mortgage. If they have multiple mortgages due in the same window they will be consolidated into one communication. They send monthly from 6 months and continue up until 60 days post expiry, unless a state change occurs.

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