Leads Lists - What Does it Mean?

On this page:

  • What leads lists will I see?
  • How do the lists sort my clients?
  • Video walkthrough

What leads lists will I see?

As an advisor - you will be able to see 'My leads', 'Urgent' and 'All leads'.

  • My leads - this is where the magic happens. This is all deals coming up for expiry in the next 6.5 months.
  • Urgent leads - this is everyone coming up for expiry in the next 4 months.
  • All leads - everyone! But with more filter options.

The system is still communicating with your clients in the background, the list tool is just to show you who’s coming up for expiry.

This way you’re making sure you’re grabbing every opportunity to make sure you’re front-of-mind for the entire back book.

The duration of leads coming into the list is configurable. Whereas 6.5 months (my leads) and 4 months (urgent) are the defaults, these can be set to whatever suits you. Contact support@eligible.ai to discuss.

How do the lists sort my clients?

The Lists evolve as they learn from you and your clients. On day 1, the list is sorted by expiry. With the name closest to expiry up top.

Call requests or reminders will always float clients to the top of your list, so you can get in touch to talk as soon as possible. As clients start to engage with the emails and their online web application they’ll be automatically prioritised so you know who to call next.

It will always push a client to the top when they request a call. Plus, clients who create an account within 4 months of expiry will sit higher in your list too – that’s the magic.

Clicking on each client name will take you to their client records. This is where you can see all this relevant product and contact information.

Video Walkthrough

Check out this video to see the Magic List in action.

Read Next:

The Client Records

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