The Client Profile

On this page:

  • What is the client profile?
  • Information on the client profile
  • The Activity Pane
  • Mortgage Details
  • How to Correct Data

What is the Client Profile?

Each client is unique, and so is their record. This is where we hold information about their mortgage and display any client activity. This can be accessed by clicking on the clients name in any of the lists or the search bar.

Information on the Client Profile

The information you see here comes straight from your CRM. We validate this with you during the data ingestion process.

You view what your client views – all in one place. So no need to flip between systems. HURRAH!

Basic info

This displays basic contact information that we hold for your client. 


Whenever your client requests a call, the system will prompt them to answer some questions. This will help you to catch up on their current financial, living and protection situation and help you prepare for the call.


Where the magic is tracked. Here is where you’ll be able to see what is sent to a client, whether they’ve opened it, clicked a link, logged in or requested a call.

Everything to do with a client is tracked in their activity pane.

The Activity Pane

You can see what a client has been sent in the activity pane. Click each email to see the contents.

Activity items

Email sent - email has been sent from the Eligible system to the client

Email opened - email has been opened by the client

Clicked a link on an email - link in an email has been clicked by the client

Account created - client has created an account in the consumer app

Logged in - client has logged into the consumer app

1st call requested - client has requested a call

Business user actions

Assigned from being an orphan - user has assigned this client to an adviser

Retained - client has been marked as case started

Not Interested - client has been marked or marked as not interested. They may have gone direct to the lender, used a new broker, paid off their mortgage or sold their property

Meeting booked - user has booked a meeting with this client

1st callback request - user has called the client, spoken to them and set a reminder to call them back

1st voicemail left - user has tried to call this client and left a voicemail

1st attempt - user has tried to call this client and hasn't left a voicemail

Removed from list - user has clicked "stop trying" on this client, usually due to no response after several attempts

Data change requested - user has requested a data change on the client 

Data change resolved - the data change on the client has been resolved

Mortgage Details

This is where we hold the client's mortgage information. 

If they have more than one mortgage, they will all be displayed here in the same record.

How to Correct Data

Not everyone’s perfect; sometimes there will be errors with client data. Maybe you need to tell us that a client has updated their email address, phone number or other contact details.

Use change data when there are errors or updates required for:

  • Product information
  • Client contact information

Simply click “Mark As” (this button is so important it has its own section explaining how you can use the 'Mark As' button):

Then click Change data.  

Then tell us what needs changing. If the client has multiple mortgages, tell us which property the change is for.

Read next:

What happens when clients log in?

Client email examples

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