What Happens When Clients Log In?

On This Page

  • How will they know to log in?
  • Walkthrough video
  • What happens when consumers log in?
  • FAQ's

How will they know to log in?

All expiry, Lifecycle and introduction emails will include a magic log-in link prompting them to complete their account.

Even if they choose not to log in and complete their account, they will still receive emails.

Walkthrough Video

What happens when consumers log in?

Once logged in, consumers will get a short tour of the new features explaining what the app will now be tracking and why. After all, we want consumers to be informed about their mortgage journey as much as possible.

Each journey for a consumer will be unique to their mortgage products. Plus, they'll get access to a host of new additions that help them:

💥Stay in the loop with timely relevant alerts so they always think of you, first.

💥Track their property value over-time.

💥Know how interest rate changes may impact payments.

💥See what opportunities they will have to save on their current deal.

💥Read educational articles to help reduce financial anxiety.

All of these opportunities will prompt consumers to request a call or ignore the alert, which in turn will alert the adviser as always. Keeping your firm front of mind at all times 🎉 .


Can the client unsubscribe if they want to?

Yes, the client will have the ability to opt out of any of the modules and you can also let us know if the client has requested this too. They can unsubscribe directly from a link on the email or by logging in and updating their contact preferences.

Will there be any additional steps the business user now has to fulfil?

No, you will continue to action all of your leads on Eligible as you did before. You will now see status tags that will allow you to determine what module the consumer has requested the call for.

How will Consumers log in?

Consumers would complete an account with the email we have retrieved from the data you provided along with a password of their choice.

How often are the interest rate notifications?

This would only go out whenever there is an update and a change is visible for that particular mortgage belonging to the consumer.

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