Suppression List

On this page:

  • What is the suppression list?
  • Types of opt-out
  • Who can access the suppression list?

What is the Suppression List?


The suppression list will show you details of any consumes who have opted out of Eligible emails.

Although consumers opting out of emails could be due to them tracking their mortgage another way or just simply trying to keep their inbox organised, it may also be a sign that their circumstances have changed.

Types of opt outs

Our emails fall into 4 main categories. Clients can pick which communications they'd like to receive or unsubscribe from all of them.

The suppression list will show you exactly what emails they've opted out of.

Who Can Access The Suppression List?

If you have a manager role you will be able to see your firm's suppression list.

This is where you can review and export changes in client marketing preferences. 

It's all under the Data section within the side menu. Just lookout for the cog icon ⚙️!

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